
Introduction Floradix® is a drug which is available over the counter in most pharmacies. Its function is to replenish the iron stores and to compensate for iron deficiency conditions. This can be counteracted by taking Floradix®. As iron deficiency is a serious condition, the iron reserves should be replenished with a special diet or by … Floradix

Ingredients of Floradix | Floradix

Ingredients of Floradix For Floradix® to act as an iron donor, the liquid must contain iron. It is present as a so-called iron salt, as iron(II)-gluconate. The iron ions are released by the absorption and digestion of the liquid and can be absorbed through the intestines and distributed through the bloodstream. In addition to the … Ingredients of Floradix | Floradix

Dosage and poisoning | Floradix

Dosage and poisoning The dosage is the same for adolescents from 10 years of age and adults. Take 15 ml Floradix® three times a day, at best half an hour before each main meal. This corresponds to an amount of 36.8 mg of usable iron. A slightly weaker dosage applies to children aged 6 to … Dosage and poisoning | Floradix

Alternatives | Floradix

Alternatives Who would not like to take Floradix®, can fall back either to other iron-containing preparations or pay attention however to a special nutrition, with which on an increased iron content one puts value. Meat and sausage are good sources of iron. Liver in particular contains a lot of iron. In addition to these animal … Alternatives | Floradix