Duration of a flu

Introduction The duration of a flu depends on the severity of the infection and the type of pathogen. The real flu is the influenza, which is caused by the so-called influenza viruses. The real flu usually lasts for 7 to 14 days and is characterized by a sudden onset of the disease. However, a feeling … Duration of a flu

Should my baby go to the doctor if I have a cold? | When do I have to go to the doctor with a cold?

Should my baby go to the doctor if I have a cold? If the first symptoms of a cold appear in babies under three months of age, a pediatrician should be consulted directly without waiting, regardless of the type and intensity of the symptoms. For older babies with mild cold symptoms, it is possible to … Should my baby go to the doctor if I have a cold? | When do I have to go to the doctor with a cold?