Spermiogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Spermiogenesis is the term used to describe the remodeling phase of spermatids formed by spermatogenesis into mature spermatozoa capable of fertilization. During spermiogenesis, spermatids lose much of their cytoplasm and the flagellum forms, which serves active locomotion. On the head containing the nuclear DNA, opposite the point of attachment of the flagella, the acrosome is … Spermiogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Long-feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The long-feedback mechanism is a principle of feedback as it is relevant to hormone balance in the human body. Among the best-known long-feedback mechanisms is the regulatory loop between thyroid hormones and TSH (thyrotropin). Disturbances within this control loop occur in Graves’ disease, among others. What is the long-feedback mechanism? Among the best-known long-feedback mechanisms … Long-feedback Mechanism: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Peptide Hormone: Function & Diseases

Secretin is the first peptide hormone discovered and described as a gastrointestinal peptide hormone at the beginning of the last century. Since then, others have been added that have been studied in more detail, such as insulin, which is essential in sugar breakdown. What is a peptide hormone? Peptide hormones are characterized by their amino … Peptide Hormone: Function & Diseases

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: Function & Diseases

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a pregnancy hormone that helps maintain pregnancy. The pregnancy test is based on the detection of this peptide hormone. Outside of pregnancy, elevated levels of chorionic gonadotropin indicate specific cancers. What is human chorionic gonadotropin? Human chorionic gonadotropin is usually produced in increased concentrations only during pregnancy. It is a … Human Chorionic Gonadotropin: Function & Diseases

Black Cohosh: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Black cohosh belongs to the buttercup family. It is considered helpful against menopausal symptoms. Occurrence and cultivation of black cohosh. The black cohosh owes its name to its inflorescence. This reminds of a candle. The black cohosh (Actaea racemosa) is known under various names. These include American Christopher’s wort, wild snakeroot, rattlesnake herb, bugweed, grape-shaped … Black Cohosh: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Gonadotropins: Function & Diseases

When it comes to human sex hormones, estrogens, progestins, and testosterone are most often mentioned first. However, in addition to these, there is the group of gonadotropins, proteohormones that have an equally crucial influence on ovaries, testes and endocrine functions. This group of hormones includes, for example, FSH, LH, prolactin, and hCG. What are gonadotropins? … Gonadotropins: Function & Diseases