Sprain in the knee

Definition of a sprain in the knee The sprain, also called “sprain” in medical terminology, is classified in the category of sports injuries. It is an injury to the soft tissues of the knee joint, such as ligaments, muscles and joint capsule. More specifically, it involves a severe overstretching or twisting of the knee joint, … Sprain in the knee

Pain in the hand

Causes and forms of pain in the hand There are various causes for pain in the hand. They range from serious traumatic causes to more harmless minor traumas and chronic causes that can cause long-lasting pain. Acute causes Among the most common acute causes of pain in the hand are fractures of the hand bones … Pain in the hand

Scaphoid pain | Pain in the hand

Scaphoid pain Of all carpal bones, the scaphoid is the one most affected by problems. Besides the fracture of the scaphoid bone, there are scaphoid dislocations (scapholunary dissociation), arthrosis in the wrist and many other causes that can cause pain in the scaphoid bone. When does your hand hurt? Pain in the hand when resting … Scaphoid pain | Pain in the hand

Pain when gripping | Pain in the hand

Pain when gripping There are also several possible causes for pain when grasping. On the one hand, this can also be provoked by an inflammation of the tendon sheath, since the muscles or tendons of the finger flexors, among other things, run through the tendon sheath. Carpal tunnel syndrome can also cause pain when grasping, … Pain when gripping | Pain in the hand

Fracture in the baby

Definition Bone fractures in babies are fortunately relatively rare. After all, babies are usually well protected by their parents and do not dare, like older children, for example, to perform brave and risky climbing maneuvers. Nevertheless, bone fractures can occur in babies. These are often associated with so-called birth traumas. These are injuries that can … Fracture in the baby

Accompanying symptoms of bone fracture in the baby | Fracture in the baby

Accompanying symptoms of bone fracture in the baby Accompanying symptoms of bone fractures can of course be pain. These can occur with varying intensity depending on the type and location of the fracture. Sometimes children have almost no pain at all. In addition, as already mentioned above, the affected body parts are more often observed … Accompanying symptoms of bone fracture in the baby | Fracture in the baby