Vaccination against meningitis

Introduction Vaccination against meningococcal meningitis usually means protection against meningococcus. Meningococci are bacteria with the scientific name Neisseria meningitidis. They occur worldwide and trigger a purulent meningitis (bacterial meningitis) or a blood poisoning (sepsis) in case of infection. Children under the age of 5 and adolescents are most susceptible to infection. Children between 1 and … Vaccination against meningitis

Side effects of vaccination against meningitis | Vaccination against meningitis

Side effects of vaccination against meningitis The side effects of a vaccination are often limited to a local reaction. As the body’s immune system is activated, there may be a slight swelling and redness at the site where the injection was administered. Slight to moderate pain, especially under pressure, is not uncommon. A short-term hardening … Side effects of vaccination against meningitis | Vaccination against meningitis