
Definition – What is a hemarthros? In medicine, haemarthros is a bruise within a joint (joint hematoma). In comparison to a hematoma, which can form anywhere in the body, it is found inside joints (knee or shoulder joint). The accumulation of blood is usually visible in the form of swelling and a bluish discoloration of … Hemarthros

What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? | Hemarthros

What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? The prognosis depends on the cause. In principle, early diagnosis and adequate treatment are important in order to avoid permanent secondary damage to the affected joint. In very rare cases, the haemarthrosis must be surgically removed to prevent further pathological impairment of the joint and its surrounding structures. Possible … What is the prognosis of hemorthrosis? | Hemarthros


Synonyms Haemophilia, inherited bleeding disorder, blood clotting factor deficiency, factor VIII deficiency, factor IX deficiency, haemophiliacs Definition Haemophilia is a hereditary disease of the blood coagulation system: affected patients have impaired blood coagulation, which is manifested by bleeding in the smallest traumas and bleeding is difficult to stop. Coagulation factors cannot be activated, so that … Hemophilia

Diagnosis | Hemophilia

Diagnosis After asking the patient’s medical history and a thorough physical examination, further steps in the diagnosis of hemophilia follow: In 2/3 of the cases there are cases of haemophilia in the family, which is why it is necessary to ask about a family history of the disease when the patient presents himself to the … Diagnosis | Hemophilia

Complications | Hemophilia

Complications The substitution of coagulation factors can lead to the formation of antibodies against these factors, so that the substitution in a constant dose no longer has any therapeutic effects. Depending on the determination of the concentration of antibodies in the patient’s blood, a high-dose administration of factor VIII can be carried out with the … Complications | Hemophilia

Blue mark

Definition A bruise is also called a haematoma, bruise or violet in medical terminology. It is the discharge of blood from an injured blood vessel into the surrounding tissue or into an existing body cavity. Bruising can occur in different parts of the body and for a variety of reasons. A distinction is made between … Blue mark