How is the Test® performed? | Haemocult Test

How is the Test® performed? A Test® usually consists of three test letters, which are handed out in the doctor’s office. These letters should be treated equally on three consecutive days. On the first day, a small stool sample is taken with an enclosed spatula and placed on the test letter. On the second and … How is the Test® performed? | Haemocult Test

What is a positive hemoccult test®? | Haemocult Test

What is a positive hemoccult test®? A positive test result is when the Test® indicates that there is occult (not visible to the naked eye) blood in the stool (the test can also detect visible blood deposits on the stool, as it only determines whether there is blood in the stool). Therefore, a positive test® … What is a positive hemoccult test®? | Haemocult Test