Bold embolism

What is a fat embolism? Fat embolism is an embolic event of fatty material entering the vascular system. The occlusion can affect, among other things, the pulmonary vascular system and possibly also the vascular system of the central nervous system (CNS). This leads to serious complications that can be fatal if undetected. There are other … Bold embolism

Symptoms | Bold embolism

Symptoms Typical symptoms of fat embolism include The first symptom is typically difficult breathing and may even be shortness of breath. In addition, small skin bleedings (petechiae) occur in typical body regions, such as the head, conjunctiva, chest and armpit. The embolic occlusion of brain vessels can lead to neurological symptoms. These are mainly focal … Symptoms | Bold embolism

Therapy | Bold embolism

Therapy If a fat embolism has been diagnosed in the pulmonary or cerebral vessels, an adequate therapy should be initiated as soon as possible. A symptomatic therapy is the main focus. Possible options include inhibition of blood clotting (anticoagulation) and the use of glucocorticoids. However, the use of anticoagulants in particular must be critically reviewed, … Therapy | Bold embolism