Therapy | Loosening of the hip prosthesis


If the hip prosthesis loosens, a new operation is usually unavoidable and should be performed soon after the loosening is diagnosed in order to avoid further damage to the bones and surrounding soft tissue structures. Further surgical therapy depends on the location where the prosthesis loosening occurs. Two areas are possible: The shaft, which is anchored in the femur, and the socket, which forms the joint.A loosening in the prosthesis stem is treated by implanting a new prosthesis with a longer stem.

There are several different systems available. Which one is the most suitable is decided in the doctor-patient consultation for each individual case. If the socket is affected, support rings are inserted or a larger implant is used.

The replacement operation usually takes longer than a first-time operation and is also more demanding. The loosened components and scar tissue are removed. Afterwards the bone is refreshed before the new prosthesis can be inserted.

Depending on the patient’s age and the load on the prosthesis, the prosthesis is either cemented in or inserted without cement. The operations are associated with a greater loss of blood. After the operation, rapid restoration of joint function is the highest priority.

Exercises for this purpose are already performed in the hospital. Following the inpatient stay in the hospital, the patient is treated in a follow-up treatment (“cure”), where joint function, muscle strength and walking ability are trained and built up. The further treatment after the hospital stay can vary individually depending on the extent of the respective intervention.


It is difficult to avoid loosening of the hip prosthesis if it should actually occur. However, patients with an artificial hip joint are advised to have regular check-ups with an orthopedic surgeon, during which x-rays can also be taken. Examination and imaging can help to detect changes, such as loosening, at an early stage.