Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Enteritis): Causes, Symptoms, Course

Enteritis is an inflammatory disease of the intestine or, more narrowly, the small intestine. It is also called intestinal infection, inflammatory or infectious bowel disease, and enteritis. Often not only the small intestine is affected, but also the stomach or the colon. This is then referred to as gastroenteritis or enterocolitis. Children are particularly likely … Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Enteritis): Causes, Symptoms, Course

Bloody Diarrhea: Causes, Treatment & Help

When bloody diarrhea occurs, most people are initially concerned because blood in the stool can be one of the leading symptoms of colon cancer. However, it can also be harmless or an accompanying symptom of chronic bowel disease. What is bloody diarrhea? Bright blood impurities often come from the lower intestinal area, for example, from … Bloody Diarrhea: Causes, Treatment & Help

Causes of diverticulitis

Diverticulitis is a disease of the colon in which there are small protrusions of the intestinal mucosa. These can remain without symptoms (diverticulosis) or become inflamed. Only then one speaks of diverticulitis. In the western industrialized nations, 50-60% of the over-70s have diverticulosis, but only 10-20% also develop diverticulitis. This makes diverticulitis one of the … Causes of diverticulitis