Pain in the middle of the upper abdomen | Causes for upper abdominal pain

Pain in the middle of the upper abdomen The most common cause of upper abdominal pain in the middle concerns the stomach. The first cause is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, also known as gastritis. It can be caused by stress, various drugs, large amounts of alcohol or even bacteria. The symptoms … Pain in the middle of the upper abdomen | Causes for upper abdominal pain

Pulling in the navel as a sign of pregnancy | Pulling in the navel – What can it be?

Pulling in the navel as a sign of pregnancy In addition, pulling in the navel can also be a pregnancy symptom in some cases. However, this is in no case to be taken as proof of pregnancy. If pregnancy is suspected, it should be checked by means of pregnancy tests (e.g. Clearblue®) from the drugstore … Pulling in the navel as a sign of pregnancy | Pulling in the navel – What can it be?