Nail bed inflammation in the baby

Introduction Nail bed inflammation (panaritium) is an inflammation of the nail fold, the nail bed and sometimes the surrounding structures. The pathogens of this disease can be bacteria such as streptococci or staphylococci. However, it is also possible that the trigger is fungal or viral infections such as herpes. The pathogens can migrate through tiny … Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby

How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? Nail bed inflammation in babies is usually not dangerous, as it is a small, localized inflammation.However, it should be treated carefully and consistently, as nail bed inflammation can be very unpleasant and painful for babies – anyone who has had one knows that it hurts a lot … How dangerous is nail bed inflammation in babies? | Nail bed inflammation in the baby