Milkman Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Milkman syndrome refers to pseudofractures caused by osteomalacia. These pseudofractures are features that appear on radiologic examinations and appear white and ribbon-like on radiographs. What is Milkman syndrome? Milkman syndrome pseudofractures are not real fractures, but rather pathological remodeling processes in the bones, usually due to osteomalacia or a similar bone disease. They were discovered … Milkman Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Bushy Knapweed: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

A member of the balsamina family, glandular touch-me-not looks beautiful with its gorgeous pink flowers. At the touch of its seeds, the herb shoots up meters high, but it is precisely this characteristic that makes the balsam fountain weed dangerous for the native flora, as it can multiply uncontrollably. However, the small plant also harbors … Bushy Knapweed: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Dysthymia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysthymia is a so-called affective disorder and is also called dysthymic disorder or chronic depression. It has many similarities with “common” depression, but the symptoms are usually milder. What is dysthymia? Dysthymia is a chronic depressive mood. It is also known as depressive neurosis, neurotic depression, or depressive personality disorder. Sufferers show the typical symptoms … Dysthymia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

True Galangal: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Physical and psychological ailments can be alleviated not only by traditional medicine. In nature, there are often plant components that have a similar effect. For example, elecampane can be used for psychovegetative problems. Occurrence and cultivation of the true galangal. The true galangal belongs to the family of ginger plants. The plant is used for … True Galangal: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Galbanum: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Galbanum was already a popular incense resin in ancient Mesopotamia. The health-promoting effects of the plant Ferula erubescens were described in detail by the Greek physician and pharmacologist Pedanios Dioscorides in the 1st century AD. The Middle Ages also appreciated its medicinal properties. Occurrence and cultivation of galbanum Galbanum (Ferula erubescens, Ferula gummosa) is a … Galbanum: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits