Causes of intestinal obstruction

Introduction An intestinal obstruction (ileus) is a disturbance of the intestinal passage through a constriction or strangulation. As a result, the intestinal contents can no longer be transported further towards the anus and excreted, resulting in a congestion of faeces and the typical symptoms of an ileus, such as severe abdominal pain, vomiting, flatulence and … Causes of intestinal obstruction

Causes of functional intestinal obstruction | Causes of intestinal obstruction

Causes of functional intestinal obstruction A paralytic ileus is caused by a functional disorder of the intestine and is also called intestinal paralysis. This means that the intestine is continuous and not interrupted by a mechanical obstacle. A further distinction is made between primary and secondary paralytic ileus. The reason for a primary functional ileus … Causes of functional intestinal obstruction | Causes of intestinal obstruction

Intestinal Peristalsis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Peristalsis refers to the muscular activity and resulting movements of hollow organs. Intestinal peristalsis serves primarily to mix the food pellet and convey it toward the rectum or anus. In some cases, the term intestinal peristalsis is used synonymously with terms such as intestinal movements or intestinal motility. However, intestinal peristalsis actually includes propulsive and … Intestinal Peristalsis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Complications after bowel surgery | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Complications after bowel surgery Even in the case of intestinal surgery, a distinction must be made between general and specific postoperative complications. Immediately after the surgical procedure, post-operative bleeding within the surgical area may occur, which may require further surgery. In addition, pain in the abdominal area is a typical postoperative complication that can be … Complications after bowel surgery | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Complications after ovarian removal | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Complications after ovarian removal In most cases, the removal of the ovaries is performed under general anesthesia. For this reason, general postoperative complications may occur shortly after the surgical procedure. Due to the substances used during general anesthesia, problems of the cardiovascular system may occur immediately after the ovarian removal. Although the drugs used in … Complications after ovarian removal | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Introduction/Definition The term postoperative complications covers all problems that occur after an operation and can be very serious. Some of the complications require intensive medical monitoring and rapid therapy. Furthermore, postoperative complications do not always occur immediately after the operation, but often within 2 to 14 days afterwards. The occurrence of postoperative complications can be … Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Complications affecting the heart | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Complications affecting the heart Depending on the treatment, heart surgery can be performed on the beating or the standing heart. In those cases where the heart has to be stopped during the surgical procedure, there is a risk of special complications. During the heart surgery, the circulatory system must be driven by a heart-lung machine. … Complications affecting the heart | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Durchgangssyndrom | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Durchgangssyndrom A transitional syndrome is the limited ability of the patient to cooperate with the risk of self-endangerment due to postoperative, uncontrolled, motor restlessness, confusion or other variable accompanying symptoms. Depending on the extent of the limited cooperation, respiratory therapy can become ineffective and the uncontrolled restlessness can lead to sleep deprivation, which can lead … Durchgangssyndrom | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Passenger disorder of the gastrointestinal tract | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery

Passenger disorder of the gastrointestinal tract Postoperatively, paralysis of the gastrointestinal tract may occur. Causes for gastric paralysis can be peritonitis, potassium deficiency, abscesses or even hematomas. Clinically, nausea, vomiting, belching, a feeling of fullness and gastroesophageal reflux occur. The therapy consists of the application of a gastric tube, intravenous administration of peristalsis and laxative … Passenger disorder of the gastrointestinal tract | Postoperative complicationsComplications after surgery