Laryngeal papillomatosis

Definition Laryngeal papillomatosis is a benign tumor disease of the larynx and mostly of the vocal chords (larynx = larynx). It is characterized by the formation of small, wart-like mucous membrane growths called papillomas. Laryngeal papillomatosis is caused by the HP virus (human papilloma virus). A distinction is made between the juvenile (childlike) and the … Laryngeal papillomatosis

Associated symptoms | Laryngeal papillomatosis

Associated symptoms Accompanying symptoms are usually the symptoms by which the disease is also noticed. These are mainly hoarseness. The vocal chords are often affected in papillomatosis. The accumulation of wart-like papillomas leads to an impairment of speech function. This persistent hoarseness is already a reason for most of those affected to see a doctor, … Associated symptoms | Laryngeal papillomatosis