
Products Cinnamon is commercially available, among other things, as a spice, as a medicinal drug, tea and in the form of capsules as a dietary supplement. It is found in remedies for digestion such as Carmol, Klosterfrau Melissengeist and in Zeller Balsam. Cinnamon is also a component of traditional pharmaceutical preparations such as aromatic tincture … Cinnamon


Products Avocados are available in grocery stores. Pure avocado oil, for example, is sold in pharmacies and drugstores. Stem plant The avocado tree from the laurel family (Lauraceae) is native to Central America and is cultivated in California, Mexico and Peru, among other places. Plant Parts The avocado is the pear- or egg-shaped berry fruit … Avocado

Camphor Tree

Stem plant Lauraceae, camphor tree. Medicinal drug Essential oil: camphor oil, camphor. Preparations Camphor ointment Camphorae solutio oleosa PH Camphorae solutio ethanolica PH Camphorae unguentum PH Effects Promotes blood circulation Central analeptic (stimulating) Weakly anesthetic Detailed information See under camphor