Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee

Introduction The therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee can be performed conservatively or surgically, depending on the severity of the injury. The choice of therapy depends primarily on the extent to which the tear in the inner ligament is caused by the rupture and the extent of instability. Operation The indication for … Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee

Conservative therapy | Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee

Conservative therapy A bandage serves to stabilize and protect the knee and to relieve knee pain. Since stability may be limited after an inner ligament rupture or to prevent the rupture from progressing, a bandage should be worn when the knee is under stress. A bandage is also used after surgical therapy to stabilize and … Conservative therapy | Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee

Pain therapy | Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee

Pain therapy Pain occurs immediately after the injury and is often accompanied by other symptoms. For this reason, the so-called PECH scheme (rest, ice, compression, elevation) should be applied immediately after the injury.Cooling the knee in particular helps against the pain. Furthermore, painkillers, so-called NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), can be taken for a short period … Pain therapy | Therapy of a torn inner ligament in the knee