Psychology of Conversation: Talk Therapy

The classic field of application for conversational psychotherapy is the so-called neurotic diseases, which include anxiety, depression, psychosomatic diseases, sexual disorders, etc. It is also considered a successful treatment method for addictive disorders, personality disorders and psychotic disorders. Outpatient treatment In outpatient treatment, the therapist usually schedules a 50-minute session once a week. The average … Psychology of Conversation: Talk Therapy

Psychology of Conversation: Listening, Appreciating, Encountering

What does successful psychotherapy look like? Carl Rogers, an American psychologist, had spent years observing therapists and counselors in their practical work. Successful psychotherapists, he found through audio recordings, primarily listen carefully, make virtually no statements of their own, summarize in between or at the end of the conversation what they believe they have understood … Psychology of Conversation: Listening, Appreciating, Encountering

Why do Men Only Half Listen?

While she’s talking to her girlfriend on the phone, she can simultaneously change the baby’s diaper, make coffee and effortlessly do a samba on the dance floor with a broomstick. If he’s sitting in front of the TV, the most he can do is tap his foot to the beat. The sentence “Honey, please take … Why do Men Only Half Listen?