Long-term consequences | Artificial coma with pneumonia

Long-term consequences The long-term consequences of an artificial coma in the context of pneumonia are difficult to predict. Termination of the artificial coma can lead to various, mostly temporary symptoms for the affected persons. These include: Dizziness, memory gaps and perception disorders. It can also lead to the occurrence of delirium, colloquially known as “continuity … Long-term consequences | Artificial coma with pneumonia

Multiorgan Failure

Definition Multi-organ failure (MOV) is the simultaneous or short-sequential failure of several vital organs. It represents an acutely life-threatening situation. The kidney, liver and lungs are particularly frequently affected. In addition to multi-organ failure, there is also the so-called multi-organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS), in which several organ functions are restricted, but not completely lost. Causes … Multiorgan Failure

Diagnosis | Multiorgan Failure

Diagnosis Depending on which organs are affected, there are different signs that confirm the diagnosis of multiorgan failure. It is important that at least two organs fail simultaneously or shortly after each other. Since multiorgan failure is usually the result of a serious illness or a serious accident that makes it necessary to admit the … Diagnosis | Multiorgan Failure