Intestinal Infarction (Mesenteric Infarction): Medical History

Medical history (history of illness) represents an important component in the diagnosis of mesenteric ischemia (bowel infarction).

Family history

  • What is the general health status of your family members?
  • Are there any diseases in your family that are common?
  • Are there any hereditary diseases in your family?

Social history

  • What is your profession?

Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).

  • Do you have severe abdominal pain* ?
  • When did the symptomatology start?
  • Do you have abdominal pain* for several days?
  • Has the abdominal pain changed since it started? Become stronger/weaker?

Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.

  • Do you smoke or have you smoked? If yes, how many cigarettes, cigars or pipes per day?
  • Has there been any change in your bowel movements recently?
  • Has there been any change in urine output?

Self history including medication history.

  • Pre-existing conditions (cardiovascular disease; thrombophilia/thrombosis tendency).
  • Surgery (cardiovascular surgery).
  • Allergies

Medication history

  • Digitalis

* If this question has been answered with “Yes”, an immediate visit to the doctor is required! (Data without guarantee)