Cat Cry Syndrome (Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Cat cry syndrome, also known as cri-du-chat syndrome, is understood by physicians to be a rare hereditary disease. This manifests itself in infants, among other things, by the typical cat-like cries that gave the disease its name. What is feline cry syndrome? Feline screaming syndrome is a condition caused by an alteration in the genetic … Cat Cry Syndrome (Cri-Du-Chat Syndrome): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Contractions: Causes, Treatment & Help

The birth of a baby is always considered a joyful event in modern society. Announced the birth of a baby by the onset of labor. Labor pains occur repeatedly even during pregnancy. What are the contractions? Descending contractions push the baby into position before birth. Sometimes they are called “preterm” contractions. Click to enlarge. In … Contractions: Causes, Treatment & Help