Brachialgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Brachialgia is a painful complaint of the arm, joints or shoulder. It is a pain that results from, for example, mechanical irritation or another condition. The intensity of brachialgia varies. What is brachialgia? Brachialgia refers to pain in the arms, joints, or shoulder. It results from compression of the nerve roots. In the corresponding dermatome … Brachialgia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Neuralgic shoulder amyotrophy (neuritis brachialis or Parsonage-Turner syndrome) is a rare neurologic disorder. It was first mentioned in the 1940s. The disease is caused by an acute inflammation of the brachial plexus. A cause for the development of that inflammation has not yet been found. What is neuralgic shoulder amyotrophy? Vaccinations, viral infections, surgery, injury, … Neuralgic Shoulder Amyotrophy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment