Varenicline for Smoking Cessation

Varenicline helps smokers quit smoking Quitting smoking presents an immense challenge to those affected. The chances of withdrawal success can be increased by nicotine replacement products such as patches or chewing gum. If these attempts fail, a possible alternative is therapy with varenicline. The drug has been tried and tested, and its positive effect on … Varenicline for Smoking Cessation

Apomorphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Apomorphine‘s similarity to dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced naturally in the body, makes it one of the most effective dopamine mimics available to medicine and pharmacy today. Formerly used primarily as an emetic, apomorphine now serves a broader range of actions in a variety of indication settings. What is apomorphine? The agent receives its most common … Apomorphine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Psychoneuroimmunology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Psychoneuroimmunology, also known as psychoimmunology or abbreviated PNI, is an interdisciplinary study of three fields. It aims to explore the interactions between the immune system, the nervous system, and the psyche. Since many questions are still unanswered here, basic research is still being conducted in psychoneuroimmunology. What is psychoneuroimmunology? Psychoneuroimmunology explores the interactions between the … Psychoneuroimmunology: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Barbiturates: Effects, Uses & Risks

Barbiturates were once considered miracle drugs and were used extensively. Today, their use is severely restricted and they are considered dangerous. There are a number of good reasons for this. The following overview of the effects of barbiturates on the body, their uses, and risks and side effects shows why. What are barbiturates? Barbiturate is … Barbiturates: Effects, Uses & Risks

Thiethylperazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Thiethylperazine is a medicinal agent that belongs to the phenothiazines. Thiethylperazine is an antiemetic, making it suitable for the drug treatment of vomiting, nausea, and dizzy spells. In addition, thiethylperazine is also used as an antipsychotic. Thiethylperazine has an antagonistic effect on the receptors of the neurological neurotransmitter dopamine. What is thiethylperazine? Synonymous names for … Thiethylperazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Thioridazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The active substance thioridazine represents a neuroleptic. It can be used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. What is thioridazine? The active substance thioridazine represents a neuroleptic. It can be used to treat schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. The antipsychotic thioridazine is part of the group of active substances known as neuroleptics. From a … Thioridazine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Carbidopa: Effects, Uses & Risks

Carbidopa is a drug belonging to the drug group of L-DOPA decarboxylase inhibitors. The drug is used to treat Parkinson’s disease and is on the WHO essential medicines list. What is carbidopa? Carbidopa is a drug in the L-DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor drug group. The drug is used to treat Parkinson’s disease. Carbidopa is a selective … Carbidopa: Effects, Uses & Risks

Rotigotine: Effects, Uses & Risks

The drug rotigotine belongs to the group of non-ergoline dopamine agonists and is used in the therapy of restless legs syndrome or Parkinson’s disease. What is rotigotine? Rotigotine is a so-called aminotetroline and tiophene derivative that is very similar to dopamine. It is liptophilic and has an extremely low molecular weight, so it is well … Rotigotine: Effects, Uses & Risks

Sertraline: Effects, Uses & Risks

The drug sertraline belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These are used primarily for the treatment of depression. What is sertraline? The drug sertraline belongs to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These are used primarily for the treatment of depression. The antidepressant sertraline, like the antidepressants citalopram and fluoxetine, belongs to the … Sertraline: Effects, Uses & Risks

Vascular Position: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Vascular tone, also known as vasoconstriction, is the result of contractions of the tunica media. Either these contractions are triggered by an increase in sympathetic tone or they are hormonally controlled. Pathological vasoconstrictions are symptomatic, for example, in atherosclerotic plaques. What is vascular constriction? Vascular constriction is defined by physicians as a narrowing of the … Vascular Position: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Labetalol: Effects, Uses & Risks

Labetalol is a drug used to treat high blood pressure. It is effective as both an alpha and beta blocker. Labetalol is used effectively in the treatment of hypertensive emergencies, postoperative hypertension, phächromozotome-associated hypertension, and rebound hypertension. Common adverse effects include headache, dyspepsia, dizziness, nausea, lethargy, nasal congestion, and erectile dysfunction. What is labetalol? Labetalol … Labetalol: Effects, Uses & Risks