
Definition Psychotherapy is defined as a method of treating mental illness and can be practiced by psychotherapists as well as alternative practitioners. This requires special psychotherapeutic training, which can be completed as a psychologist or psychiatrist. Psychotherapy covers a very broad field and works with different techniques. Introduction Psychotherapy is a form of therapy recognized … Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorders | Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorders Psychotherapy for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) can be very helpful and help the patient in his difficult situation to participate more actively in life again. Since psychotherapy for PTSD patients can be designed very differently, it is important that each patient decides individually with his or her therapist which form … Psychotherapy for post-traumatic stress disorders | Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy for eating disorders | Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy for eating disorders In general, psychotherapy is a form of therapy recognized by health insurance companies, which can be very helpful in many different psychiatric illnesses. In psycho-oncology, psychotherapy can help patients to better understand their cancer and, above all, to cope with the disease. It also helps a person to understand that the … Psychotherapy for eating disorders | Psychotherapy

Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

We talk about obsessive-compulsive personality disorder when the affected individuals show rigid as well as perfectionistic thinking and acting. In doing so, they suffer from strong doubts and indecisiveness. What is obsessive-compulsive personality disorder? In medicine, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is also known as obsessive-compulsive personality disorder or anancastic personality disorder. The term comes from the … Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Compulsions or obsessive-compulsive disorder are mental illnesses. The sufferer suffers from obsessive thoughts and mental stress, so that he unconsciously has to perform compulsive actions (for example, constantly washing his hands). It is also called a mental disorder. To determine its cause is not so easy, because it can be in the psychological as well … Obsessive-compulsive Disorder: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Duration | Psychosis

Duration The duration of a psychosis varies greatly and depends, among other things, on the triggering cause. In addition, the time of the beginning of treatment plays an important role. The faster a drug therapy is initiated, the better a psychosis can be contained. Psychoses can last for a few days, but untreated they can … Duration | Psychosis


Definition – What is a psychosis? A psychosis is a mental disorder. Patients suffering from a psychosis have an altered perception and/or processing of reality. While outsiders clearly perceive this perception as abnormal, the affected persons themselves are not aware of their misperception. A psychosis can be accompanied by various symptoms. These include hallucinations, delusions … Psychosis

Associated symptoms | Psychosis

Associated symptoms A psychosis is accompanied by numerous symptoms that are usually very frightening for the patient. Acoustic hallucinations often occur. For example, the affected persons hear voices talking about them or communicating with them. There are also imperative voices that give orders to the affected person. More rarely, hallucinations of smell and taste or … Associated symptoms | Psychosis

Diagnosis | Psychosis

Diagnosis The diagnosis of a psychosis does not initially require any apparative medicine but is a purely clinical diagnosis and is made on the basis of the patient’s behavior and symptoms. Once the diagnosis has been made, however, further diagnostics must be carried out to narrow down the possible causes of the psychosis. In order … Diagnosis | Psychosis