Bone Densitometry (Osteodensitometry): Procedure and Evaluation

The 200-plus bones of the adult are not only a marvel of stability, but they do amazing work throughout life. In order to maintain their function, there is constant building up and breaking down within them. With increasing age, degradation often predominates – osteoporosis occurs. Bone densitometry is a popular procedure to diagnose osteoporosis. In … Bone Densitometry (Osteodensitometry): Procedure and Evaluation

Muscle and Bone Examinations

Over 400 skeletal muscles and 200 bones, connected by numerous tendons and joints, allow us to walk upright, turn, bend and stand on our heads. As resilient as our skeletal structure is, it is also susceptible to wear and tear, incorrect loading and various diseases. The right diagnosis is important for prevention and appropriate treatment. … Muscle and Bone Examinations

Muscle and Bone Examinations: Functional Tests and Imaging Techniques

Testing muscle and joint function plays a major role in orthopedics. For this purpose, range of motion, muscle tension, and strength are assessed. The spine and trunk, shoulder, elbow, hand and fingers, elbow, hip, knee and feet are examined. Numerous different tests exist and the examiner will not perform all nearly 50 for the knee … Muscle and Bone Examinations: Functional Tests and Imaging Techniques

Bone Density Measurement

Synonyms Osteodensitometry engl. : Dual Photon X-Ray = DPX Definition In a bone densitometry procedure, a doctor uses a medical-technical procedure to determine the bone density, i.e. ultimately the calcium salt content of the bone and thus its quality. The result of the measurement provides information about how fracture-resistant a bone is and is used … Bone Density Measurement

Quantitative ultrasound examination | Bone Density Measurement

Quantitative ultrasound examination The third and last option for bone density measurement is quantitative ultrasound (QUS), in which ultrasound waves are sent through the body instead of X-rays. As a result, the radiation exposure in this procedure is zero. Ultrasound waves are also attenuated to varying degrees by tissue of varying density and can therefore … Quantitative ultrasound examination | Bone Density Measurement