Age Spots: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Age spots, lentigo senilis or lentigo solaris often appear in the later stages of a person’s life. As a rule, they are not dangerous but are merely benign skin changes. Mostly they are brownish and of different size. Age spots are most frequently found on the hand, face and chest. Nevertheless, it is advisable to … Age Spots: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Kohlrabi: Intolerance & Allergy

Kohlrabi is a vegetable also known as turnip cabbage or top kohlrabi. It belongs to the cruciferous family and is a biennial plant. It is only in the second year that the tuber develops, which grows above the ground and can grow to a size of 20 centimeters. This is what you should know about … Kohlrabi: Intolerance & Allergy

Sugar Melon: Intolerance & Allergy

The sugar melon belongs to the cucurbit family. In botany, the fruit is called a berry and is mainly used as a fruit. The name results from the fairly high fructose content, which ensures that they taste very sweet. The water content of sugar melon is slightly lower compared to watermelon. This is what you … Sugar Melon: Intolerance & Allergy

Mung Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Mung bean, the annual plant, is a member of the papilionaceous family and the legume family. It is related to several other crops, for example, the urd bean. The easily digestible mung bean is versatile. It can be eaten raw, fried or blanched. Here’s what you should know about the mung bean. Extremely healthy, the … Mung Bean: Intolerance & Allergy

Saponins: Function & Diseases

Saponins are soap-like compounds which are formed only in plants. The individual molecules consist of a hydrophilic and a lipophilic portion. Their structures, properties and modes of action are very diverse. What are saponins? Saponins are biological compounds formed exclusively in plant tissues. They represent secondary plant compounds. Furthermore, they are subject to a great … Saponins: Function & Diseases

Soybean: Intolerance & Allergy

The soybean is a legume and belongs to the so-called legumes, the botanical family of the papilionaceous plants. As a vegetable, soybeans have served as a crop for a very long time, and now the cultivation areas are spread all over the world. It is a high-quality vegetable food, rich in protein, and its importance … Soybean: Intolerance & Allergy

Pea: Intolerance & Allergy

Peas are one of the most popular legumes and are further processed either fresh or dried. Sweet peas are the only legume that can also be eaten raw. Green peas are mainly frozen or canned, with frozen peas becoming increasingly popular as they still contain all the vitamins. Here’s what you should know about the … Pea: Intolerance & Allergy

Constipation: Causes, Treatment & Help

Constipation (also constipation) is a well-known and common symptom. The main characteristic of constipation is difficult bowel movements. Bowel movements are usually delayed or irregular, and their consistency is usually hard or hardened. What is constipation? The main characteristic of constipation is difficult bowel movements. Bowel movements are usually delayed or irregular. Constipation is usually … Constipation: Causes, Treatment & Help

Tangerine: Intolerance & Allergy

The tangerine enjoys great popularity among Europeans. Fresh tangerines are available in stores from October, the harvest season. Here’s what you should know about the tangerine The tangerine, the small, noble sister of the orange, probably originated in southwestern China or northeastern India. The tangerine, the small, noble sister of the orange, originates probably from … Tangerine: Intolerance & Allergy