Calcium Acetate

Products Calcium acetate is commercially available in the form of capsules and tablets in various strengths (Calcium Acetate Phosphate Binder Bichsel, Calcium Acetate Salmon Pharma, AcetaPhos, Renacet). It has been approved in many countries since 1992. Structure and properties Calcium acetate exists as calcium diacetate (C4H6CaO4, Mr = 158.2 g/mol), a white, hygroscopic powder that … Calcium Acetate

Aluminum Chloride Hydroxide

Products Aluminum chloride hydroxide is commercially available in the form of capsules (phosphonorm). It has been approved in many countries since 1984. Effects Aluminum chloride hydroxide (ATC M05BX02) binds phosphate ions in the intestine and delivers them for excretion. Indications Hyperphosphatemia

Lanthanum Carbonate

Products Lanthanum carbonate is commercially available in the form of chewable tablets (Fosrenol). It has been approved in many countries since 2008. Structure and properties Lanthanum carbonate hydrate (La2(CO3)3 – H2O) Effects Lanthanum carbonate (ATC V03AE03) binds phosphate ions in the digestive tract, with which it binds the insoluble lanthanum phosphate that is excreted in … Lanthanum Carbonate