Biceps Tendon

In its entirety, the biceps muscle, as the name suggests, has two sinewy origins. A distinction is made between the short and long biceps tendon or the caput breve and caput longum. The origin of the long tendon begins at the upper glenoid rim of the shoulder joint and the “cartilage lip” (tuberculum supraglenoidale) located … Biceps Tendon

Wallpapers | Biceps Tendon

Wallpapers Increasingly popular is the use of Kinesio-Taping for muscular problems. The use of Kinesio Tape is also beneficial for inflammation of the long biceps tendon. However, it can also be used prophylactically. It has a tension-relieving and anti-inflammatory effect at the same time. It is also said to have a positive influence on the … Wallpapers | Biceps Tendon