Symptoms | Prostate carcinoma

Symptoms There are almost no early warning signs of prostate cancer. Relevantly noticeable and specific symptoms usually do not appear until the advanced stage, which is why regular participation in routine examinations is very important. If the tumor is still confined to the prostate and presses against the urethra, urination may become difficult. These include, … Symptoms | Prostate carcinoma

Diagnosis | Prostate carcinoma

Diagnosis In order to finally confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer, a biopsy is required, i.e. a sample is taken from the prostate gland and examined microscopically for degenerated cells. This is carried out if the palpation finding at the DRU was conspicuous, the PSA value exceeds 4ng/ml or a rapid increase in the PSA … Diagnosis | Prostate carcinoma

Staging | Prostate carcinoma

Staging Once the grading and staging has been completed and the PSA level determined, prostate cancers can be further grouped into different stages with similar prognosis. An often used classification is that according to UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer). Stage I prostate carcinomas are those that are confined to the prostate, have no lymph … Staging | Prostate carcinoma

OP | Prostate carcinoma

OP The surgical treatment option is radical prostatectomy (RPE). The prostate gland (prostate) is completely cut out (ectomy), usually both seminal vesicles and possibly also affected lymph nodes in the immediate vicinity (regional lymph nodes). There are various surgical procedures. The operation can be performed through the abdomen (retropubic RPE) or from the perineum (perineal … OP | Prostate carcinoma

Causes of epididymitis

Introduction The epididymis lies on top of the testis and consists of the closely wound epididymal duct, which can be several meters long. Functionally, they are responsible for the motility of the sperm. An inflammation of this structure, also called epididymitis, can lead to severe pain and increasing swelling of the epididymis. Cystitis as a … Causes of epididymitis

Prostate inflammation as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Prostate inflammation as a cause of epididymitis As the vas deferens pass through the prostate gland, an inflammation of this structure can lead to involvement of the epididymis and testicles in the course of the procedure. A distinction must be made between an acute and a chronic form of the inflammation, both of which, however, … Prostate inflammation as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Catheters as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Catheters as a cause of epididymitis In the context of urological disorders associated with bladder dysfunction or urinary flow disturbance, the application of a urinary catheter/bladder catheter may be necessary to ensure a continuous flow of urine. However, the application of a urinary catheter is associated with an increased risk of infections of the urethra … Catheters as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Rheumatism as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Rheumatism as a cause of epididymitis Rheumatological diseases are another possible cause of acute epididymitis.This applies above all to the rheumatic form of seronegative (rheumatoid factor negative) spondylarthritis, such as ankylosing spondylitis or psoriatic arthritis. They are characterized by inflammatory back pain, which occurs mainly at rest, and the involvement of other joints in the … Rheumatism as a cause of epididymitis | Causes of epididymitis

Lower abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms | Lower abdominal pain in men

Lower abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms Lower abdominal pain can occur in combination with various symptoms such as diarrhea or fever. The accompanying symptom can give an indication of the underlying cause. If diarrhoea occurs in combination with lower abdominal pain, this gives an indication of the underlying cause of the disease which is responsible … Lower abdominal pain and accompanying symptoms | Lower abdominal pain in men