Naturopathy for a cold | Therapy of a cold

Naturopathy for a cold For a cold, many herbal remedies can also be used to treat the symptoms. Many of these medicinal plants have an anti-inflammatory effect and can thus help to alleviate the cold somewhat. All articles in this series: Therapy of a cold Naturopathy for a cold

Flu vaccination

General information Generally known as “flu“, the disease is an infection with the so-called influenza virus and is therefore also called seasonal influenza infection in the medical field. It occurs mainly during the colder and wetter seasons and should not be confused with a common cold or flu-like infection. The course of the influenza illness … Flu vaccination

Duration of effect of a flu vaccination | Flu vaccination

Duration of effect of a flu vaccination After an influenza vaccination, the immune system forms antibodies against the specific strain of influenza virus that was included in the vaccination. In principle, these antibodies remain in the body for years, but their number decreases over time. Nevertheless, the body is usually immune to the specific influenza … Duration of effect of a flu vaccination | Flu vaccination

Influenza vaccine | Flu vaccination

Influenza vaccine The vaccine used for influenza vaccination is usually a so-called dead vaccine. Here the pathogens are killed, which makes them no longer divisible. In addition to a flu vaccination, a vaccination against pneumococcus is also recommended for this risk group. Pneumococcal vaccination is recommended above all for older people over 60 years of … Influenza vaccine | Flu vaccination

Contraindications | Flu vaccination

Contraindications As with all other vaccinations, there are also certain contraindications for the flu vaccination for which one should not be vaccinated. These include serious infections or an allergy to chicken protein or other components of the vaccine. With an illness with a heavy infection one should shift its planned flu inoculation simply, until one … Contraindications | Flu vaccination

Pro | Flu vaccination

Pro The flu vaccination is particularly recommended for people who are exposed to an increased risk of complications in case of an infection with the flu. These include old and sick people, children and immunocompromised persons. Influenza usually lasts for a long period of time and can have serious consequences such as pneumonia. Therefore, the … Pro | Flu vaccination

Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat with allergy An allergy or allergic reaction is an overreaction of the body’s immune system to otherwise harmless substances such as house dust or pollen. Most allergies manifest themselves by reddening of the eyes, sneezing, and sniffing. Some patients, however, develop such a strong reaction to certain substances that it can lead to … Sore throat with allergy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat during pregnancy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!

Sore throat during pregnancy Pregnancy tends to weaken the mother’s own immune system. For this reason, it is easier for viruses and bacteria in the body to cause infections which can sometimes be responsible for sore throats. Therefore, during pregnancy, care should be taken to prevent colds. This can be achieved by a balanced diet … Sore throat during pregnancy | Sore throat – This is how you get rid of it quickly!