Pyloric stenosis: Causes and Treatment

Brief overview Symptoms: gushing vomiting shortly after a meal, weight loss, dehydration, restlessness and constant hunger in the baby. Causes and risk factors: Permanent cramping and enlargement of the pylorus in the hypertrophic form. Genetic factors are likely, smoking during pregnancy is considered a risk. Acquired pyloric stenosis due to foreign body, gastric tumor or … Pyloric stenosis: Causes and Treatment

Baby vomiting

Definition Vomiting in babies is harmless in most cases and serves to protect the child’s body and especially the digestive tract from invading harmful pathogens or substances. When vomiting, the stomach contents are emptied again by spitting them out. In the first few weeks, babies vomit very often, as they first have to get used … Baby vomiting

Diagnosis | Baby vomiting

Diagnosis If vomiting occurs repeatedly in the baby, further medical clarification of the cause should be carried out. A detailed consultation with a doctor is particularly important for the diagnosis. Here, the doctor should ask how long the baby has been vomiting, what quantity, what the vomit looks like, at what intervals it occurs and … Diagnosis | Baby vomiting

Pyloric stenosis in the baby

Definition A pyloric stenosis usually becomes noticeable between the second and the sixth week of life. Due to a thickening of the musculature of the so-called stomach gate, a flow obstruction of the food in the area of the stomach outlet occurs. Symptomatically, there is gushing vomiting directly after meals, accompanied by a lack of … Pyloric stenosis in the baby