Painful finger joints

Introduction Pain in the finger joint can have many different causes. The pain can be the result of a traumatic injury or it can be of chronic origin. To have pain in the finger joint, the bone does not necessarily have to be affected. Depending on the age group, different injuries are predominant. Causes The … Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Painful finger joints during pregnancy During pregnancy various reasons can lead to joint problems. For example, water retention from the 4th month of pregnancy onwards can cause joint problems. Then, especially at night, there are complaints such as pain and numbness. The pain is caused by water retention in a ligament structure on the wrist, … Painful finger joints during pregnancy | Painful finger joints

Circulatory problems during pregnancy | Circulatory problems on the finger

Circulatory problems during pregnancy During pregnancy many processes in the body are changed and regulated differently. This is also the case with the blood circulation. In order to have as much blood as possible available for the vital organs and the unborn child, the blood flow in the hands and fingers is reduced somewhat. This … Circulatory problems during pregnancy | Circulatory problems on the finger

Therapy | Cold hands

Therapy The therapy of cold hands depends on the trigger or the underlying disease. A change in lifestyle can improve cold hands. Try to avoid stimulants such as cigarettes and alcohol. Also make sure you get enough exercise and a healthy diet. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep, because if you are tired, … Therapy | Cold hands

Symptoms | Cold hands

Symptoms It is therefore largely normal for hands to cool down. However, permanently cold hands and feet can be more than just a normal bodily function. Especially when both need a particularly long time to warm up again or when it becomes excessively painful to get warm with cold hands, it is possible to find … Symptoms | Cold hands

Prognosis | Cold hands

Prognosis Having cold hands now and then is usually harmless. Otherwise, a prognosis depends strongly on the type of disease and its severity. If it is a circulatory disorder, one must bear in mind that every tissue in the body must be supplied with oxygen and many other nutrients. If this supply is completely cut … Prognosis | Cold hands

Cold hands

Introduction Who does not know them, the cold hands or feet? Far more often this problem affects women. Due to their anatomical conditions, they have less warming muscles than men, have a slightly lower blood pressure more often and their body is subject to stronger hormonal fluctuations. Stress situations (such as anxiety) are also known … Cold hands