
The adductors serve to bring a body part closer to the body (adduction= to lead, lat. adducere= to lead, to pull). Adductors belong to the group of skeletal muscles. Their antagonists are the abductors, which pull a body part away from the trunk. The adductors of the thigh are divided into three layers. The superficial, … Adductors

Overview of the musculature

Chewing muscles Masticatory muscle – Musculus masseter Internal wing muscle – Musculus pterygoideus medialis Outer wing muscle – Musculus pterygoideus lateralis Temporal muscle – Musculus temporalis Mimic musculature Musculi epicranii (muscles of the head rind) Eyelid Ear muscles Nose Mouth Occipital forehead muscle – Musculus occipitofrontalis Temple-crown muscle – Musculus temporoparietalis Upper eyelid lift – … Overview of the musculature

Gorge head musculature | Overview of the musculature

Gorge head musculature Lower throat lacer – Musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior Middle throat lacer – Musculus constrictor pharyngis medius Upper throat lacer – Musculus constrictor pharyngis superior Stylus-pharyngeal muscle (gullet lifter) – Musculus stylopharyngeus Tube-pharyngeal muscle (gullet lifter) – Musculus salpingopharyngeus Palatopharyngeal muscle (pharyngeal lifter) – Musculus palatopharyngeus Outer tongue muscles Cartilage-tongue muscle – Musculus … Gorge head musculature | Overview of the musculature

Arm musculature – Forearm musculature | Overview of the musculature

Arm musculature – Forearm musculature Flexors – surface layer Flexors – deep layer Extensors – spoke-side (radial) layer Extensors – surface layer Extensors – deep layer Spoke-sided hand flexor – Musculus flexor carpi radialis Olecranon hand flexor – Musculus flexor carpi ulnaris Superficial hand flexors – Musculus flexor digitorum superificialis Long palmar muscle – Musculus … Arm musculature – Forearm musculature | Overview of the musculature

Torso Musculature | Overview of the musculature

Torso Musculature Autochthonous back muscles – Musculus erector spinae respiratory muscles abdominal muscles Iliac-rib muscle – Musculus iliocostalis Interspinous process muscles – Musculi interspinales Intertransverse process muscles – Musculi intertransversarii Rib elevator – Musculi levatores costarum Longest muscle – Musculus longissimus Much feathered muscle – Musculi multifidi Lower oblique head muscle – Musculus obliquus capitis … Torso Musculature | Overview of the musculature

Thigh Musculature | Overview of the musculature

Thigh Musculature Knee extensors = front muscle group Knee flexors = rear muscle group Adductors = inner muscle group Abductors = outer muscle group Quadriceps femori – Musculus quadriceps femori Tailor muscle – Musculus sartorius Bilateral thigh muscle – Musculus biceps femoris Semitendinous muscle – Musculus semitendinosus Semimembranous muscle – Musculus semimembranosus Comb muscle – … Thigh Musculature | Overview of the musculature

Foot Muscles | Overview of the musculature

Foot Muscles Big toe spreader – Musculus abductor hallucis Short big toe flexor – Musculus flexor hallucis brevis Big toe leader – Musculus adductor hallucis Short toe flexor – Musculus flexor digitorum brevis Small toe counter – Musculus opponens digiti minimi Short small toe flexor – Musculus flexor digiti minimi brevis Small toe spreader – … Foot Muscles | Overview of the musculature