Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency in vegetarians

Associated symptoms In general, the symptoms are very unspecific, especially at the beginning of an iron deficiency, which is why the diagnosis is often not made immediately. A manifest iron deficiency leads to a drop in the red blood pigment haemoglobin. The skin and mucous membranes appear pale. Hemoglobin is responsible for the transport of … Associated symptoms | Iron deficiency in vegetarians

Ice Herb: Intolerance & Allergy

The ice cabbage is an edible plant of the family of midday flowers. Originating in Africa, the herb can also be grown in Europe and is mostly prepared in the form of salads. However, it can also be used as a medicinal herb to fight fever or to nourish the skin. This is what you … Ice Herb: Intolerance & Allergy

Natural Plant Substances Harmful to Health

Many plants naturally contain substances that can have a toxic (poisonous) effect on humans and animals. To the plant, these toxins (poisons) serve different functions. They can prevent feeding or assist in the defense against microorganisms. For the human organism, these substances can have a more or less harmful effect on health. However, if the … Natural Plant Substances Harmful to Health

Spinach: Intolerance & Allergy

Spinach makes you strong, even Popeye knew that. Many children disdain it, many adults love it and the green leaves have a versatile vitamin and mineral content. However, spinach also contains the dreaded nitrate, which is why some things should be taken into account when preparing it. Here’s what you should know about spinach The … Spinach: Intolerance & Allergy