Stinging nettle: Good for the bladder?

Brief overview Description: Chronic inflammation of the bronchi with seizure-like constriction of the airways Common triggers: allergic asthma: pollen, dust, animal dander, food; non-allergic asthma: respiratory infection, exertion, cold, tobacco smoke, stress, medications Typical symptoms: Cough, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, chest tightness, breath sounds, labored exhalation, acute asthma attack Treatment: medication (such as … Stinging nettle: Good for the bladder?

Joint Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help

Joint pain, or arthralgia, is pain with different characteristics. Joint pain can occur with osteoarthritis, bruises, and dislocations, among other conditions. What is joint pain? Infographic of pain regions and affected joints in rheumatoid arthritis. Click image to enlarge. Joint pain is referred to in medical terminology as arthralgia. It can affect all joints of … Joint Pain: Causes, Treatment & Help


Composition The tablets contain Medicaginis sativae herba rec. (alfalfa), Urticae diocae herba rec. trit. (stinging nettle) and Avenae sativae extr. (Oats). The name is derived from alfalfa, a synonym of alfalfa, and avena (oats). Effects The herbs are iron-rich and contain other minerals and vitamins. No information is currently available on clinical efficacy or iron … Alfavena

Heberdens Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Heberden’s osteoarthritis is characterized by painful hand and finger joints with nodule formation. Stiff fingers, swelling and pain are defining features of the condition, which is usually chronic. What is Heberden’s osteoarthritis? Schematic diagram difference between healthy joint, arthritis and osteoarthritis. Click to enlarge. Heberden osteoarthritis belongs to the group of forms known as degenerative … Heberdens Arthritis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment