Suicidality: Causes, Symptoms, Help

Brief overview Suicidality – Definition: Suicidality refers to the experience and behavior aimed at deliberately bringing about one’s own death. Various forms and phases possible. Causes and risk factors: mainly mental illnesses, but also suicides or suicide attempts in the family, own suicide attempts in the past, stressful life situations or events, age, serious physical … Suicidality: Causes, Symptoms, Help

Stuttering: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Stuttering or Balbuties represents a rather complex event, so that the Bahandlung must be due to the versatility of the causes multi-track. The term treatment is used here in the broadest sense of the word and not only in the purely medical or speech-pedagogical sense. Therefore, the question posed at the beginning can only be … Stuttering: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysmorphophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dysmorphophobia is the exaggerated mental preoccupation with a self-supposed physical disfigurement. It is therefore a false perception of the body. Also called disfigurement syndrome, this psychiatric disorder is characterized by a compulsive and excessive urge to perceive oneself as obnoxious or ugly. Long scientifically controversial, body dysmorphic disorder is now coming more into the focus … Dysmorphophobia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Dissocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sufferers of antisocial or dissocial personality disorder, or APS for short, disregard social norms in their behavior and have little or no empathy. The behavior of affected persons cannot be changed by positive or negative reinforcement from the outside; on the contrary, punishment will trigger defiant reactions. Psychopathy is a severe form of antisocial/dissocial personality … Dissocial Personality Disorder and Psychopathy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Suicidality: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Suicidality is a very serious issue, with more than 10,000 people taking their own lives each year in Germany alone. The number of unreported cases will certainly be much higher. Thus, the number of suicides significantly exceeds the number of traffic fatalities per year. What is suicidality? Suicidality, or a suicidal tendency, describes a mental … Suicidality: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Borderline Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Borderline syndrome or borderline disorder is a mental illness from the field of personality disorders. Those affected suffer from a lack of social skills. In particular, interpersonal relationships with other people are characterized by pathological instability. Strong mood swings also occur frequently. The view of oneself (self-image) is subject to strong distortions. Anxiety disorders, anger … Borderline Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment