Home remedies for pneumonia

Introduction – home remedies for pneumonia Pneumonia is a serious disease which, depending on the age of the person affected, can also cause serious complications. In industrialized countries, pneumonia is even considered the most deadly infectious disease due to these serious consequences. Therefore, if you have pneumonia, you should definitely seek medical advice for treatment. … Home remedies for pneumonia

Honey as household remedy for pneumonia | Home remedies for pneumonia

Honey as household remedy for pneumonia Already in ancient and medieval times honey was used as a universal remedy. At that time it was used mainly on wounds because of its antibacterial effect. But also in the body honey can be helpful against some bacteria, besides one uses the anti-inflammatory effect in case of pneumonia. … Honey as household remedy for pneumonia | Home remedies for pneumonia

Oregano oil for pneumonia | Home remedies for pneumonia

Oregano oil for pneumonia Oregano oil is a very strong essential oil, which can be used, among other things, for diseases of the respiratory tract. Due to its particular strength, it should only be taken up diluted with another oil (e.g. sunflower oil). Oregano oil develops its anti-inflammatory effect through the active ingredient carvacrol. The … Oregano oil for pneumonia | Home remedies for pneumonia