Memory Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Memory training is derived from the Greek word μνήμη mnémē, memory, and is also known as mnemonics. In order to make training as effective and meaningful as possible, a wide variety of techniques are used to improve the storage of information as well as the memorization and retention of that information. The popular mnemonics are … Memory Training: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Synapses: Structure, Function & Diseases

Synapses are the junctions between nerve cells and sensory, muscle, or glandular cells, or between two or more nerve cells. They serve to transmit signals and stimuli. Stimulus transmission is mostly chemical by means of neurotransmitters. There are also synapses that transmit their action potential directly by electrical means, which makes the transmission of stimuli … Synapses: Structure, Function & Diseases

Ion Channel: Function & Diseases

An ion channel is a tansmembrane protein that forms a pore in the membrane and allows ions to pass through it. Ions are electrically charged particles; they can be postitive but also negatively charged. They are in constant exchange between the cell and its environment or another neighboring cell. What is an ion channel? The … Ion Channel: Function & Diseases