Symptoms | Edema during pregnancy

Symptoms Edema during pregnancy can lead to various complaints in the women concerned. Most pregnant women suffer from heavy, aching legs and/or clearly swollen ankles, especially in the evening and after prolonged standing or sitting. Due to the increasing water retention in the area of the lower extremity, the affected women usually need shoes that … Symptoms | Edema during pregnancy

Prophylaxis (Prevention) | Edema during pregnancy

Prophylaxis (Prevention) The development of edema during pregnancy can be prevented in many cases by simple measures. The prophylaxis of such water retention is mainly based on regular, moderate exercise, which can also be carried out during pregnancy without any problems. This does not even have to be real sports. Extensive daily walks can help … Prophylaxis (Prevention) | Edema during pregnancy

When does edema start to occur during pregnancy? | Edema during pregnancy

When does edema start to occur during pregnancy? The point at which water retention occurs during pregnancy depends on various factors. Both the physical constitution of the expectant mother and the weight of the unborn child play a decisive role in this context. Despite the enormous increase in blood volume during the entire pregnancy, the … When does edema start to occur during pregnancy? | Edema during pregnancy

Edema during pregnancy

Synonym Water retention Pregnancy Synonyms in a broader sense Late stage edema is one of the most common conditions that can occur during pregnancy. While early pregnancy is mainly characterized by hormonal changes and the associated nausea (so-called Frühgestosen), completely different symptoms occur during the last months of pregnancy. In medical terminology, the development of … Edema during pregnancy