
Introduction The tabatière, also known as foveola radialis, is a small, elongated triangular depression on the thumb side (radial side) of the carpal. It is particularly prominent when all fingers are held extended and the thumb is spread apart. Since snuffers used to put their snuff in portions into the depression and inhale from it, … Tabatiere

Associated syndromes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Associated syndromes The accompanying symptoms of pain in the palm of the hand depend primarily on the cause of the complaints. In the event of a fall or other traumatic event, fractures of the carpal or forearm bones can also occur. Sprains and contusions are also possible. In addition, injuries to the muscles and tendons … Associated syndromes | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Which doctor will treat this? If you have pain in the palm of your hand, you can first consult an orthopedist. The orthopedic surgeon will usually arrange for an X-ray of the hand in cooperation with a radiologist. Often further imaging by means of MRI or CT is necessary. Once the cause of the complaints … Which doctor will treat this? | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Duration/Prediction | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Duration/Prediction The duration of the pain at the ball of the hand can vary greatly depending on the cause. In the case of traumatic events such as fractures, the pain usually heals after a few weeks of immobilization.Chronic pain caused by rheumatism or carpal tunnel syndrome, for example, can last longer. Straight illnesses of the … Duration/Prediction | Pain in the palm of my hand – What do I have?

Pain in the thumb joint

Introduction The thumb contains a total of three different joints. Thus one can distinguish between the thumb saddle joint, the thumb base joint and the thumb end joint. Each joint can cause pain, which causes discomfort in the thumb and the rest of the hand. But also structures that are structurally connected to the joints, … Pain in the thumb joint

Pain in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb | Pain in the thumb joint

Pain in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb The thumb base joint is the joint between the first metacarpal bone and the first phalanx of the thumb. It should not be confused with the thumb saddle joint, which forms the transition from the carpus to the metacarpus. Pain in the metacarpo-phalangeal joint of the thumb … Pain in the metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb | Pain in the thumb joint

How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?

How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? In order to make a diagnosis as to why there is pain in the thumb, the doctor should first of all base himself on the interview (anamnesis) to find out whether there may have been cases of rhizarthrosis in the family. Palpation, i.e. palpation of the thumb, … How is the diagnosis of thumb pain made? | Pain in the thumb – Is that dangerous?