Umbilical hernia in the baby

Umbilical herniaA umbilical hernia is usually a completely harmless disease in the baby. The umbilical hernia is a quite common appearance in newborns and infants. On average, every fifth baby suffers an umbilical hernia during the first two years of life. In the case of premature babies, four out of five children even develop an … Umbilical hernia in the baby


Introduction A bump in humans colloquially refers to a visible or palpable bulge of the skin on a part of the body. The most common causes are water retention, tissue proliferation or organ enlargement. A bulge caused by an injury usually disappears by itself after a few days. A lump that develops without a recognisable … Dent

Associated symptoms | Dent

Associated symptoms Depending on the cause of the bump, various accompanying symptoms can occur, which can often also give an indication of the cause. For example, if you bump your head and as a result a bump appears, small blood vessels can burst. The accompanying symptom is a bruise, which turns yellow after a few … Associated symptoms | Dent