Fosfomycin: Effect, areas of application, side effects

Brief overview Symptoms: Usually no early symptoms, later including fluid retention due to reduced urine output, high blood pressure and gastrointestinal complaints Causes and risk factors: Various diseases, especially diabetes mellitus and hypertension, but also certain drugs Diagnosis: On the basis of various blood and urine values, in some cases imaging procedures such as ultrasound … Fosfomycin: Effect, areas of application, side effects

Micturition (Urination): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

The amounts of fluid we drink each day must be excreted through the urinary tract. The discharge from the body takes place through the emptying of the bladder – micturition. What is micturition? Schematic diagram showing the anatomy and structure of the urinary bladder. Click to enlarge. In medical jargon, the term micturition refers to … Micturition (Urination): Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Fluoroquinolones: Effect, Uses & Risks

Fluoroquinolones are a subgroup of the so-called quinolones. They are used in medicine as antibiotics. At the same time, they belong to the gyrase inhibitors and differ from other substances of this type by their wide spectrum of activity. Modern fluoroquinolones are effective against pathogen enzymes, such as topoisomerase IV, among others. What are fluoroquinolones? … Fluoroquinolones: Effect, Uses & Risks

Chemoprophylaxis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

If chemoprophylaxis is induced, physicians administer a viral agent or antibiotic to the patient to prophylactically (preventively) treat an established or an impending infection. The administration of these drugs is intended to prevent or combat the spread of pathogens in the body. What is chemoprophylaxis? If chemoprophylaxis is induced, physicians administer a viral agent or … Chemoprophylaxis: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Inflammation of epididymis

The inflammation of the epididymis is also called epididymitis. It occurs mainly in adults, especially in patients with permanent catheters. In rare cases, children under 14 years of age may also be affected. An acute form of epididymitis can be distinguished from a chronic form. The acute inflammation is the most common disease of the … Inflammation of epididymis

Epididymitis after vasectomy | Inflammation of epididymis

Epididymitis after vasectomy Vasectomy is the cutting of the vas deferens, it is a contraceptive method popularly known as sterilization. Various complications can occur during vasectomy. One of the most common (in up to 6% of patients) is an inflammation of the epididymis after sterilization. After the sperm have been cut through the vas deferens, … Epididymitis after vasectomy | Inflammation of epididymis

Therapy | Inflammation of epididymis

Therapy Antibiotics are given to treat the inflammation, depending on the pathogen and resistance. The therapy should be started immediately, so if an inflammation is suspected, it is important to see a doctor quickly. Furthermore, painkillers such as Diclofenac can help against the pain. If the pain is very strong, a local anesthetic can be … Therapy | Inflammation of epididymis