Set Risperdal down

If a patient wants to stop taking Risperdal®, he or she should discuss the steps with his or her treating psychiatrist and adhere strictly to the withdrawal plan. Since Risperdal® is an atypical neuroleptic drug which can be used for various diseases such as psychosis and is very potent, the dose of Risperdal® should be … Set Risperdal down

Pergolide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Pergolide is an active ingredient isolated from naturally occurring fungal alkaloids and is approved as a therapeutic agent for Parkinson’s disease. It is also used in veterinary medicine for the treatment of an equine disease. Pergolide acts on the receptors of the neurotransmitter dopamine. What is pergolide? Pergolide drugs are used as a monopreparation for … Pergolide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Milk congestion – what can you do?

Introduction Milk congestion is caused by insufficient secretion drainage due to blocked milk ducts in one or both breasts. Milk production is not restricted in this case. Milk congestion occurs mainly two to four days after delivery. However, it can also occur during the entire breastfeeding period or occur repeatedly. Milk congestion can cause discomfort … Milk congestion – what can you do?

Associated symptoms | Milk congestion – what can you do?

Associated symptoms In addition to redness, hardening and painfulness, other symptoms may occur. At the breast, pressure pain and a feeling of tension occur – usually only on one side and at certain points. The breast can also be enlarged due to the congestion. In general, pain in the limbs can occur. Sometimes the mother … Associated symptoms | Milk congestion – what can you do?

How long is the duration of a milk stasis when weaning? | Milk congestion – what can you do?

How long is the duration of a milk stasis when weaning? In general, if milk congestion is treated, it should improve after about 3 days. However, it is important to know: if a milk congestion is present, one should not stop breastfeeding. This can only aggravate milk congestion and aggravate its consequences. Breastfeeding should only … How long is the duration of a milk stasis when weaning? | Milk congestion – what can you do?

Lactation Inhibitors

Indications For weaning Active ingredients Dopamine agonists inhibit the secretion of prolactin: Cabergoline (Dostinex) Bromocriptine (Parlodel)

Ergot Alkaloids

Structure and properties Depending on the side chains, ergot alkaloids are classified into two different groups: Ergometrine-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergometrine, methylergometrine). Peptide-type ergot alkaloids (e.g., ergotamine, ergotoxine, bromocriptine). Effects Ergot alkaloids exhibit the following effects in varying degrees: Partial agonists at alpha-adrenoreceptors. Partial agonists at serotonin receptors Stimulation of dopamine receptors Contraction of vascular … Ergot Alkaloids

Hereditary Zinc Deficiency Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hereditary zinc deficiency syndrome represents a hereditary disorder of zinc absorption in the intestine. The same symptoms develop as in acquired zinc deficiency syndrome. The disorder is very treatable by lifelong zinc supplementation. What is hereditary zinc deficiency syndrome? The term hereditary zinc deficiency syndrome describes a hereditary disorder in the absorption of zinc in … Hereditary Zinc Deficiency Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Belimumab: Effects, Uses & Risks

Belimumab is an IgG1 lambda monoclonal antibody approved for treatment in humans. It was approved in the EU in 2011 as a treatment for systemic lupus erythematosus. It is used to support conventional therapies when they do not result in significant improvement in disease state. What is belimumab? Belimumab is sold under the trade name … Belimumab: Effects, Uses & Risks

Benserazide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Benserazide is an active substance that is not available as a mono-preparation, but is always administered in combination with levodopa. Both agents are prescribed exclusively for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease and restless legs syndrome. Benserazide supports the prodrug levodopa so effectively because it acts directly on the periphery. What is benserazide Benserazide is always … Benserazide: Effects, Uses & Risks

Dopamine Agonist: Effects, Uses & Risks

A dopamine agonist or dopamine antagonist is a drug that can stimulate dopamine receptors. Dopamine agonists are used to treat Parkinson’s disease, restless legs syndrome, and as emetics, among other conditions. What is a dopamine agonist? Dopamine agonists are used to treat Parkinson’s disease, restless legs syndrome, or as emetics, among other conditions. Dopamine agonists, … Dopamine Agonist: Effects, Uses & Risks