How long is the duration of a milk stasis when weaning? | Milk congestion – what can you do?

How long is the duration of a milk stasis when weaning?

In general, if milk congestion is treated, it should improve after about 3 days. However, it is important to know: if a milk congestion is present, one should not stop breastfeeding. This can only aggravate milk congestion and aggravate its consequences.

Breastfeeding should only be stopped under certain circumstances. One of the reasons for this is if the milk congestion causes bacterial mastitis. In this case, for example, premature babies should not be breastfed and they should be weaned.

However, the milk congestion is often triggered by breastfeeding. It is also important here that the milk flows out of the breast. Methods such as stroking and massages can help to improve or relieve the milk congestion within a few days.

If there is no improvement within a few days, the doctor or midwife should be asked for advice on what else can be done. In pronounced cases where the therapy does not work, medication can be given to limit the functions of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production.