Why are you Safe from Lightning in the Car?

Anyone who has ever been surprised by a thunderstorm is probably fascinated and frightened in equal measure. The impressive natural spectacle occurs more frequently, especially in spring and summer. Lightning is caused by a temperature difference between high, cold cloud layers and warmer weather layers near the ground. The cold upper layers are charged with positive energy – further down, on the other hand, drops or ice particles are negatively charged.

Thunderstorms: the origin of lightning and thunder

Wherever such imbalances form, nature wants to rebalance them. This sudden charge rebalancing occurs through lightning, which creates voltages of 500 million volts. The air near the lightning suddenly heats up to many thousands of degrees and expands abruptly. This happens so quickly that the air at the point where the lightning passes cannot make way fast enough, but is abruptly displaced. As a result, thunder can be heard. Since the speed of sound is quite slow compared to the speed of light, we hear the thunder later.

What to do during thunderstorms?

If a thunderstorm is approaching, you should move away from the water in any case. Water attracts lightning and conducts electricity. You should also avoid power poles , the metal also attracts lightning. Therefore, bicycles should also be kept at a safe distance – preferably at least 50 meters away from people. The same applies to other metal objects such as umbrellas, walking sticks, keys and cell phones.

Old wisdoms such as “look for beech trees” and “avoid oak trees” are wrong, because the type of tree has no effect on a lightning strike. Lightning tends to strike the highest point in a region. If there is a house nearby, you should go to it.

Behave properly in field and forest

If you are in a large field with no house or trees, you should find as low-lying a spot in the area as possible – a depression in the ground, for example – and crouch there, keeping your feet together and letting the storm pass. Under no circumstances should you lie flat on the ground or try to run away from the thunderstorm: this gives the lightning a larger surface to attack. The distance to other people should also be at least half a meter.

If there is a single tree in a wide field, it is very likely to be struck by lightning. Therefore, you should not stand directly next to the tree. If you are in a forest, it is important to keep a sufficient distance from the edge of the forest and from particularly prominent trees. In a group of uniformly high trees, on the other hand, one is relatively safe.

Why is it good to be protected in a car during a thunderstorm?

The best protection during thunderstorms is in a car, because the metal body forms a so-called Faraday cage. Even if the car is struck by lightning, the current flows off the outside of the car into the ground. However, you should park the car, because if it is struck by lightning while driving, the tires can blow out. You are also protected in trains, airplanes and cable car gondolas. Cyclists and motorcyclists, however, should get off as quickly as possible and park their two-wheelers at a safe distance.

First aid for lightning strikes

When lightning strikes a human body, electrical voltages of more than 100,000 volts flow through the body. The result is burns, convulsions and paralysis, even respiratory and cardiac arrest.

If you witness a lightning accident, you should immediately alert emergency medical services and begin first aid procedures. Concerns about receiving a shock yourself when touching a lightning victim are unfounded, as the current immediately drains through the body and into the ground.

Even if no injuries are apparent at first glance, anyone who has come into contact with lightning should go to the hospital for monitoring. This is because life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias can still occur hours later.

Rules during thunderstorms:

  • If possible, go to a building or stay in the car
  • Avoid water and moisture
  • Keep distance from metal objects and other people
  • Squat in as low a place as possible and close the legs
  • Keep away from free-standing trees