Symptoms | Swollen lymph nodes – How dangerous is that?


Depending on the cause, the patients’ symptoms vary enormously. A suddenly noticed swelling of a lymph node, which hurts on palpation and may be accompanied by redness, is a strong indication of infection. In addition, the lymph nodes are often symmetrically enlarged on both sides, left and right.

For example, a cervical lymph node can swell and hurt when the immune system is activated to fight off a cold, which is explained by its activation. Of course, fever and other general symptoms can also occur in the course of an infection. If a slowly increasing swelling is noticed, which is also painless, this can be an indication of a malignant disease (a tumor disease).

In this case there is often a unilateral localized finding. In the case of cancer that originates in the lymph nodes (lymphomas), patients often notice so-called B-symptoms, which consist of fever, night sweats and severe weight loss. In the case of a lymph node metastasis caused by a cancer originating from the adjacent tissues and organs, the symptoms can vary greatly.

In such cases, the symptoms of the original tumor usually predominate. You can find more information here: Symptoms of lymph node cancerA painful swelling of lymph nodes can also be called lymphadenitis – inflammation of the lymph node. This is usually a secondary reaction of a neighboring inflammation of other tissue.

Since the lymph node is a site of immune defense, it is possible that the pathogens are carried there. When a lymph node is inflamed, the body reacts in the same way as any other inflamed tissue: it mediates pain. The pain can be of varying intensity, although the individual sensitivity to pain should be taken into account.

Differences can be found both in the quality of the pain and in the circumstances in which it occurs. If, for example, lymphadenitis of a cervical lymph node exists because of a respiratory infection, it is possible that pain is only triggered when pressure is applied to this node. If the lymphadenitis is triggered by pathogens that settle in the lymph node from the outset, generalized pain in the affected lymph nodes may develop.

In some cases, swollen lymph nodes are accompanied by itching. In most cases, this does not necessarily mean anything, as itching is an unspecific symptom. Swollen lymph nodes can also itch during inflammatory processes.If, on the other hand, generalized itching all over the body occurs in addition to the swollen lymph nodes, this can be an indication of a malignant disease.

The so-called Hodgkin’s lymphoma causes itching in some cases for a hitherto unexplained reason. This leads to swelling of lymph nodes all over the body and itching. This is a serious disease that requires precise treatment.

If there is significant lymph node swelling and fever, the physician must always consider an Epstein-Barr virus. This causes the Pfeiffer’s glandular fever. It manifests itself with high fever, headache and aching limbs and causes swollen lymph nodes, especially in the neck.

The treatment is purely symptomatic and can take weeks. Lymph node swelling and fever can also be the expression of malignant diseases affecting the blood. These include lymphomas and leukemias.

HIV infection also manifests itself with swelling of the lymph nodes and fever. However, lymph node swelling and fever are often caused by a common flu-like infection. If the symptoms persist for a longer period of time, you should still see a doctor.