Chest hair on the woman | Chest hair

Chest hair on the woman

Breast hair is not typical for women and is often a sign of hormonal imbalances or endocrinological diseases (metabolic disorders). Two diseases associated with an uncontrolled or a typically male pattern of hair growth (beard growth, chest hair, abdominal hair) are hypertrichosis and the much more common hirsutism. Hypertrichosis is a general, increased body hair, which can occur in both women and men.

The hair does not follow a typical male hair pattern, but can affect these areas (e.g. breast). In hypertrichosis, the hair can either grow diffusely over the whole body or only in certain areas. For example, chest hair can also occur in women.

There are many possible causes for hypertrichosis. Important causes include hormone-producing tumours, side effects of medication (e.g. minoxidil and diazoxide), hereditary diseases or circulatory disorders. Hirsutism is a rather rare disease in women which is characterized by a typical male hairiness.

Typical consequences are sudden beard growth, chest hair, and continuous pubic hair up to the navel. The cause of hirsutism is usually the increased production of the male sex hormone testosterone, which can be the result of various underlying diseases. Typical causes are e.g.

polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCO syndrome), adrenal cortex or ovarian tumours; metabolic diseases or the side effect of special drugs (e.g. anabolic steroids or spironolactone). In many cases, however, it is not always possible to determine the exact cause. However, it is important to consult a doctor if the symptoms described above occur.

This doctor can determine by means of a blood test whether it is something harmless, an underactive thyroid, a hormone-producing tumour or a hormonal imbalance. Subsequently, further steps of a therapy can be planned. Depending on the cause of the increased body hair in the woman, there are various therapy options.

If a hormone-producing tumour is the cause of the increased hairiness, surgery is usually the therapy of choice. If medication is the cause of the disease, it may be possible to discontinue it in consultation with a doctor and switch to alternatives. In some cases, increased body hair can also be treated by hormone therapy, in which the effect and formation of male sex hormones is suppressed. Symptomatically, various methods of hair removal such as shaving, plucking, epilating, waxing or laser can help.

Culture and aesthetics

Which type of chest hair is considered beautiful differs greatly depending on the culture. While in many cultures it is considered a sign of masculinity to show off lush chest hair, the Western ideal of beauty has largely developed to the point that men prefer to wear as little hair on their chest as possible. This trend began in the USA and quickly spread through the media.

Although the hair on the chest does not cause any health problems, more and more men are therefore going over to removing the hair in this area of the chest. There are various possibilities for this. Most of them resort to a classic wet shave.

However, it is also an option to have the hair on your chest permanently removed with a depilation laser, although this only works for dark hairs. In this case, laser pulses are applied to a large area of the affected area, which causes the hair roots to become deserted. Especially in recent years, however, some people have again felt the desire for more breast hair, which can be satisfied by a breast toupee.