Twitching in the abdomen


Twitching in the abdomen is usually caused by the contraction of individual muscle strands or entire muscle groups. They are usually not painful and cannot be influenced by the will. Mostly they are caused by a short-term malfunction of the nervous system and disappear again by themselves.

They can occur in the whole body. In the case of a twitch in the abdomen, especially in women, it can always be the muscles of the uterus that contract for a short time. Therefore, there is often a connection with menstruation or pregnancy.


A muscle twitch is a contraction of the muscles that cannot be consciously controlled. The causes are very diverse. In most cases it is not dangerous and without meaning.

An overview of the most common causes: In addition to psychological causes such as mental strain or stress, a lack of magnesium can also cause muscle twitching. In the case of muscle twitching in the abdomen, however, a gynecological cause can always play a role. A twitching in the abdomen before or during menstruation is particularly frequent.

From a medical point of view, this is in most cases not a cause for concern. However, it can be very unpleasant for the affected patients. However, there are also diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts or uterine inflammation that can trigger a twitch in the abdomen.

In most cases, however, strong pain develops in the course of the disease. A beginning pregnancy can also be the cause of a twitching in the abdomen. It is recommended to consult your gynaecologist if there are other signs of pregnancy, such as the absence of periods.

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  • Magnesium deficiency
  • Period
  • Pregnancy
  • Oocyte performance

A frequent trigger for muscle twitching is a magnesium deficiency in addition to stress and psychological strain factors. Especially people with an increased magnesium requirement, e.g. athletes or pregnant women, can suffer from a magnesium deficiency. In such cases, it is advisable to first increase the magnesium intake via food.

Legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils) contain a lot of magnesium. Sesame, pumpkin seeds or poppy seeds are also rich in magnesium. In addition, magnesium can always be taken in the form of tablets or in powder form.

This topic might also be of interest to you: Cramps despite magnesium- What can you do? Twitching in the abdomen before and during menstruation is not uncommon. A great many women are affected by it.

These can often be accompanied by cramps or severe pain. In most cases, abdominal twitches are harmless during menstruation. For the women affected, however, they can be very distressing.

Often heat or the intake of magnesium helps. A visit to the gynaecologist is nevertheless obligatory from time to time. After all, diseases such as endometriosis, ovarian cysts or inflammation of the uterus can also be behind it.

Muscle twitches in the abdomen can occur more frequently during pregnancy. The cause is primarily the increased magnesium requirement. As already mentioned several times, magnesium plays a very important role in the development of muscle twitches and cramps.

Therefore, a sufficient magnesium supply is especially important during pregnancy. In most cases, a balanced diet is not sufficient to cover the magnesium requirements of a pregnant woman, so magnesium intake in the form of tablets or powder is recommended. Regular check-ups by a gynecologist should also be carried out.

After the egg has been fertilized by a sperm, it migrates along the fallopian tube into the uterus and nests in the lining of the uterus. In this way, the fertilized egg cell connects with the mother’s organism. This normally happens without any noticeable signs.

However, some women report that they perceive the movements of the fallopian tube as the fertilised egg moves. However, when the ovum implants in the lining of the uterus, blood vessels can be injured and a brief implantation bleeding occurs. Muscle twitching is a common phenomenon throughout the body.

A muscle twitch in the lower abdomen occurs more frequently in women in connection with menstruation or pregnancy. In men, twitching in the lower abdomen is rather rare. However, the causes are usually harmless.The muscle twitching in the lower abdomen is most likely caused by stress and psychological strain.

But a magnesium deficiency can also lead to these symptoms. Therefore, muscle twitching often occurs after exercise when there is an increased magnesium requirement. For this reason, magnesium should first be taken when there is a twitch in the lower abdomen. In most cases, the symptoms improve by themselves.