Diet for Sleep Disorders

The activity of the organism is not insignificantly related to food intake. Thus, there are foods that favor sleep and others that tend to keep us awake. Some foods lower blood pressure and pulse, tend not to boost the general metabolism, and thus favor slipping into sleep. Conversely, certain foods ingested can also put the body into a higher state of activity, making it more difficult to fall asleep. We provide tips on how to influence your sleep through diet.

Positive influence of nutrition: 6 tips

There are some foods that can help to find peace in the evening and sleep peacefully. The following tips will help you take advantage of the positive effects of food.

1. milk with honey to calm down

Classic sleep aid: the warm honey milk. The calcium in milk has a calming effect on the body. It promotes the relaxation of the muscles and also counteracts nervous tension. In addition, the milk contains protein, which has an additional calming effect. The ingredients of honey are also said to have a soporific effect. However, honey should only be used in small quantities. Add your honey milk but some almonds and cinnamon – this promotes the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone.

2. sleep-inducing tea

A drink with the right blend of herbs can have amazing effects. The modes of action of individual plants have been known for centuries and are now scientifically proven. They have either a direct soporific effect or a calming effect as well as a mood and nerve stabilizing effect. The following plants are effective for sleep disorders:

  • Melissa
  • Valerian
  • Hops
  • Lavender
  • Passionflower
  • St. John’s wort
  • Kava

Caution: do not drink black or green tea – these, like coffee and cola, contain stimulating caffeine.

3. bananas relieve tension

Probably the effect of this fruit lies in its positive influence on neurotransmitters. The tryptophan contained in the banana increases the body’s serotonin level. This substance has a mood-lifting and tension-relieving effect – it makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep. Cachew and sunflower seeds also contain a lot of tryptophan.

4. food components with effects on sleep.

Just recently, nutritional methods are popular, which in the sense of a separation diet recommend carbohydrate-rich food in the morning and protein-rich food in the evening. As a thesis stands behind it that protein – in contrast to carbohydrates – does not boost the nightly insulin production, which in turn favors the storage of fat. Whether this method actually leads to a calmer sleep is controversial. Other experts believe that foods containing complex carbohydrates (such as whole-grain bread or potatoes) promote the release of the hormone serotonin and thus promote restful sleep.

5. alcohol in moderation

Alcohol in small amounts makes most people sleepy. Higher amounts of alcohol instead have an opposite effect.

  • Beer: In addition to alcohol, the hops contained in beer also have a calming effect. However, the drink should not be taken too cold, because the body must then produce energy to warm it up to body temperature. More than 300 milliliters should not be drunk.
  • Wine: Red wine has other calming effects in addition to the alcoholic. The numerous ingredients (tannins, phenols, dyes, etc.) have a supportive effect against states of tension, which are often the cause of sleep problems. However, one should not consume more than 200 milliliters. By the way, white wine and sparkling wine, unlike red wine, have a stimulating effect, not sleep-promoting.

6. introduce rituals

Taking certain foods before falling asleep may well have a psychological background: Eating or drinking initiates a “ritual” that is subconsciously linked to sleep. However, one can also ring in the end of the day with other rituals, for example a short evening walk or reading a few pages.

Negative influence of diet

While some foods are conducive to restful sleep, other foods hinder sleep.Therefore, you should rather avoid the following five foods before going to bed:

1. caffeinated drinks and nicotine increase activity.

These stimulants raise blood pressure and pulse and increase activity. Therefore, refrain from coffee, cola, black tea and cigarettes in the evening and, if necessary, already in the afternoon.

2.Foods rich in fat and sugar stress the digestion.

Digestion of large amounts of fat requires considerable effort for the body. As a result, the circulatory system has to work harder again. A high blood sugar level also acts as a signal for the organism to crank up the metabolism. The energy provided must be “processed” in some way – it is either stored, burned or converted into movement.

3. restless sleep due to high doses of alcohol.

Large amounts of alcoholic beverages induce a narcosis-like state rather than sound sleep. As a result, this state wears off as the alcohol level decreases, and then you have to go back to “real” sleep. Deep sleep and dream phases get mixed up, and sleep is less restful. It’s no wonder that after an alcohol-filled evening, you feel like you’re wiped out in the morning.

4. white wine and sparkling wine have a stimulating effect.

Both have a stimulating effect despite the alcohol. In addition, there is also plenty of acid in both drinks.

5. citrus fruits stimulate the circulation.

Oranges or tangerines should not be consumed immediately before bedtime. The fruit acid (also in the form of vitamin C = ascorbic acid) stimulates the circulation. The body counteracts the supply of acid and thus the lowering of the pH level by buffering. This compensation requires the activation of various mechanisms. The same applies to other acidic foods such as pickles.

Quantity also matters

In addition to the type of food, its quantity is also important, of course: sumptuous meals before bedtime have a detrimental effect on the process of falling asleep. In addition to insulin, many other hormones are released, which bring the body “out of rest”. However, an empty and growling stomach is just as much of a hindrance to a good night’s sleep. The feeling of hunger and the movements of the stomach constantly remind you that you should eat. Moreover, such a state is not conducive to good mood. There should be at least two hours between your last meal and bedtime. Also, avoid flatulent foods in the evening.