Dental Calculus: Treatment and Causes

Brief overview

  • Treatment: Removal of tartar only at the dentist, with ultrasonic device, scaler, special chisel. Do not try to do it yourself, as there is a high risk of injury.
  • Causes: Plaque not removed or not removed well; lack of oral hygiene; predisposition to rapid tartar formation.
  • When to see a doctor? In case of significant discoloration; gingivitis; bad breath despite good dental hygiene; check-up at least once a year.
  • Prevention: Brush teeth thoroughly at least twice a day; clean interdental spaces once a day (with dental floss or interdental brushes); visit the dentist regularly.

Tartar: Treatment

He removes the tartar with the aid of suitable dental instruments without risking injury. For example, water-cooled ultrasonic devices and various hand instruments (such as chisels or so-called scalers) are used.

The teeth feel rough after treatment because the natural mucus layer on the tooth is also removed when the hard deposits are blasted off. However, this protective layer rebuilds within one to two hours.

Professional dental cleaning

By the way, tartar removal alone should not be confused with professional teeth cleaning. In this additional service, the dentist or his specialist staff cleans the entire set of teeth and, if necessary, removes tartar. The dentist then polishes the teeth and removes any discoloration.

Tartar: Causes and risk factors

As the first step in plaque formation, a thin protein membrane (pellicle) is formed on the tooth surface immediately after each thorough brushing. Bacteria of the oral flora, then food residues, saliva components, epithelial cells and polysaccharides gradually adhere to this pellicle.

Under the plaque, fermentation and metabolic processes take place, in the course of which acids are formed. They damage the tooth enamel, so that eventually caries is possible. In addition, tartar is often a reason for bad breath.

Dental plaque eventually develops into tartar as a result of mineralization: minerals from saliva are deposited in the plaque and make it really hard. In sensitive people, tartar develops from plaque that is only a few days old.

Why tartar is harmful

Although tartar itself is not pathological, it usually causes harm nevertheless: the acid attack on the tooth enamel continues under the tartar. In addition, the hard deposits promote inflammation of the gums (gingivitis).

What is tartar?

Tartar is dental plaque hardened by embedded minerals. Most adults have more or less tartar. The frequency increases with age.

Depending on the localization, dentists distinguish between two types of tartar:

  • Subgingival calculus (concretion): In the gingival pockets, dark brown to black in color, forms slowly but adheres strongly to the teeth

When to the dentist?

In general, go to the dentist regularly, that is at least once, better twice a year. Only he removes tartar so that no injuries occur.

Dental calculus: examinations and diagnosis

The dentist usually detects tartar already during the routine check-up. On the one hand, tartar can be recognized by the trained eye as a visual diagnosis. To make sure, the doctor scratches at suspicious plaque with the hook-shaped dental probe that is used anyway. If they cannot be easily removed, it is usually tartar.

Tartar: Prevention

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, either with a good manual toothbrush or an electric toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Clean the interdental spaces once a day with dental floss or interdental brushes.

With these measures, you minimize plaque and thus reduce the risk of tartar. You also prevent discoloration and tooth decay.

Frequently asked questions about tartar

How does tartar form?

What is tartar?

Tartar is a hard dental plaque made of deposited minerals. The medical term is calculus dentis. Tartar can be visible on the tooth or hidden under the gums.

What helps against tartar?

Professional teeth cleaning effectively removes tartar. In addition, regular and thorough brushing, flossing and fluoride toothpaste help. A low-sugar diet reduces the risk of tartar forming.

The only way to completely remove tartar is to have your teeth professionally cleaned by a dentist. Trained personnel remove the tartar with special instruments. Important: After visiting the dentist, you should brush your teeth properly and regularly. Otherwise tartar will form again.

Is it bad to have tartar?

What happens if tartar is not removed?

If tartar is not removed, there is a risk of tooth decay, gingivitis and periodontitis. The reason: bacteria settle more easily on rough tartar than on clean and smooth teeth. They can directly damage the tooth and inflame the surrounding tissue. Tartar also causes bad breath and discolors the teeth.

How quickly does tartar form?

How often should you remove tartar?

Visit your dentist at least once a year and have your tartar removed. If you tend to have tartar, or if your gums are diseased, more frequent removal is necessary. It is best to ask your dentist for a personal recommendation.